Details on Updated Terms
- OwoDaily processes payouts every Friday. Here's how it works: When you request a withdrawal, it will be processed on the second Friday after your request. For example, if you make a withdrawal request anytime between one Friday and the next Thursday, your payment will be processed on the Friday of the following week. This gives OwoDaily time to review and process all requests. If you wish to get paid on next week Friday, make your withdrawal request by the Thursday of the previous week at the latest. This system provides a regular, predictable payout schedule while allowing time for proper processing and verification of all withdrawal requests.
- Micro-workers/Influencers who submit fake/unrelated submissions to a Job Poster will be charged a fee of N50 every time this is reported. Workers who continue not to submit falsely to jobs and Job Posters may face blacklisting by the Job Poster or a Limit to submitting to all new jobs on site.
- If a submission is reported as credited but false, membership will be limited and placed on Hold for a quick review after which the limit will be removed. Customer Support will always be available to assist when necessary needed.
- If after completing a job you feel it being rejected is incorrect. Click on the REPORT button to report the submission to a Job Moderator. This will second review of the submission by a Senior Mod. Please submit correctly a valid reason why the submission should be marked complete to aid in the review.
- Account Limits can occur when your account has been reported as spamming the community forum or multiple reports of false submissions unrelated to the job. With Limits ranging from 7 - 30 days.
- OwoDaily+ Members now get an option to Notify Moderators for a Quicker Job Approval. This is best for Social Media Managers needing under 1-hour start to social media campaigns.
- Our Active Channels For Support are:
- Social Media: @owodailyhq for Twitter & Instagram
- E-mail: [email protected] - For All Micro-Influencer/Job Network Related Queries
- E-mail: [email protected] - For Affiliate Network Related Queries i.e. Payment, Sales, Affiliates & General Help
- We have added more checkout options for international customers, Affiliates can now promote deals to a larger audience size worldwide.
- Our online community "Village" is growing, we will be having new contests to reward active members with regard to your member engagement and support for the users within the network
- To list a bounty or cashback, you require an OwoDaily+ membership. Kindly contact support for an account manager if you need help setting up your listing. Please note that all bounty and cashback listing requests must be verified before being listed.
For queries or further assistance, please send us an e-mail
Working with us - Our Goals
Over the past two years, we have dedicated ourselves to expanding and enhancing the network for all members. We are committed to continuing this effort to assist independent members - such as micro-workers, affiliates, micro-influencers, and digital-enabled businesses - in expanding their enterprises while delivering top-notch services.